(herein referred to as CML)
CML’s objective is to be the preferred supplier of current and potential customers. We aim to deliver a consistently high level of standard and service that will, in turn, benefit all our customer’s productivity and success. We operate with suppliers and customers on a global scale with an intended long term commitment to each. CML are determined to nurture close relationships with each concerned party to constantly not only meet, but exceed expectations. To achieve these goals, please be advised of how we aim to conduct our business activities.
- CML and employees are required, as a minimum standard, to comply with all the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This includes compliance with laws prohibiting any form of bribery and corruption.
- CML will not engage in, nor be a party to, agreements, business practices or conduct that, as a matter of law, are anti-competitive and will act with integrity in all business dealings
Business ethic - CML will not participate in personal and/or public activities that are intended to damage customer business interests or reputation.
- CML will not offer, promise, give, demand or accept bribes or other unethical advantage. Through CML Supplier Code of Conduct, we insist that others working on CML’s behalf act lawfully and ethically and in accordance with the stipulated values and standards.
- CML will work in partnership with customers and associated parties, treating all those in the chain with due respect.
- CML will respect the physical property, equipment, confidential information, data and any other tangible or intangible assets from but not limited to CML customers.
Employees (respect, Health and Safety) - CML aim to treat all employees with respect and dignity, practicing good communications with employees and contribute to a healthy, safe and secure work environment. In so doing, we remain committed to conducting all activities in a manner that attains the maximum practicable standards of Health and Safety.
- CML respect the environment and endeavour to ensure that any harmful impact from our activities, products and services are minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable. We have internal systems in place to reduce our carbon footprint in as many ways as possible.
Controls and adherence
- CML have an assessment and risk management system in place which is audited annually. We ensure that risk is managed effectively including any necessary corrective action with accurate supporting reports.
NB: This Code of Conduct is not intended to replace CML’s existing Standard Trading Conditions. We expect this Code of Conduct to serve as advice of how we deal with and approach business.
REF: CML/CCC/DY-01012020